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WordPress. Как создать пункт меню без ссылки (menu separator)

WordPress туториалы
Февраль 07 2020

Этот урок покажет как создать пункт меню без ссылки (menu separator) в Wordpress шаблоне.

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50 Free WordPress Themes 2020

Январь 29 2020
We have prepared for you a fantastic selection of 50 best themes, with which you can create a perfect site from scratch.
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WordPress. Как изменить скорость прокрутки сайта

WordPress туториалы
Январь 27 2020
Из этого туториала Вы узнаете, как изменить скорость прокрутки сайта в Wordpress
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WordPress. Как отобразить записи из определенных категорий на отдельных страницах и вывести их в главном меню

WordPress туториалы
Январь 27 2020
Из этого туториала вы узнаете, как отобразить записи из определенных категорий на отдельных страницах и вывести их в главном меню WordPress.
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WordPress. Как установить шаблон на существующий сайт

WordPress туториалы
Январь 27 2020
Эта инструкция продемонстрирует, как установить шаблон WordPress на существующий сайт и добиться, что бы он выглядел, как на демо.
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WordPress. Как добавить captcha в Contact Form 7

WordPress туториалы
Январь 27 2020
Из этого туториала Вы узнаете, как добавить captcha (reCAPTCHA) в Contact Form 7 в WordPress.
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WordPress. Как обратить последние изменения, сделанные в записях/страницах (Управление редакциями)

WordPress туториалы
Январь 03 2020
Из этого туториала Вы узнаете, как обратить последние изменения, сделанные в записи WordPress.
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WordPress. Как сделать так, чтобы пункт меню открывался в новой вкладке

WordPress туториалы
Январь 03 2020
Из этого туториала Вы узнаете, как сделать так, чтобы пункт меню открывался в новой вкладке в WordPress.
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WordPress. Как узнать идентификационный номер изображения (прикреплённого файла), для того чтобы использовать его в шорткоде

WordPress туториалы
Январь 02 2020
Из этого туториала Вы узнаете, как узнать идентификационный номер изображения (прикреплённого файла), для того чтобы использовать его в шорткоде.
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How to duplicate a page in WordPress

Let's see how to duplicate pages in Power builder based and Elementor based themes.
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WordPress. Как добавить поисковую форму и редактировать страницу результатов поиска

WordPress туториалы
Январь 02 2020
Этот туториал показывает, как добавить поисковую форму и редактировать страницу результатов поиска в шаблоне Wordpress.
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WordPress. Как удалить тему WordPress

WordPress туториалы
Январь 02 2020
Этот туториал покажет, как удалить установленную тему через админ панель WordPress и с помощью FTP.
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WordPress. Как изменить название папки «themeXXXXX»

WordPress туториалы
Январь 02 2020
Из этого туториала Вы узнаете, как изменить название папки 'themeXXXXX' в WordPress.
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WordPress. Как обернуть картинку в текст

WordPress туториалы
Январь 02 2020
Из этого туториала Вы узнаете, как обернуть картинку в текст в WordPress.
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WordPress. Как изменить заголовок страницы, не изменяя подпись кнопки меню

WordPress туториалы
Январь 02 2020
Из этого туториала вы узнаете, как изменить заголовок страницы, не изменяя подпись кнопки меню в WordPress.
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WordPress. Как добавить пользовательскую ссылку к меню

WordPress туториалы
Январь 02 2020
This tutorial shows how to add a custom link to the menu in WordPress.
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WordPress. How to create a redirect from a home page to any URL using the PHP redirect

WordPress туториалы
Январь 02 2020
This tutorial is going to show you how to create a redirect from Wordpress home page to any URL using the PHP redirect.
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WordPress. Как избавиться от ошибки «Failed to send your message» в плагине Contact Form 7

WordPress туториалы
Январь 02 2020
Из этого туториала Вы узнаете, как избавиться от ошибки "Failed to send your message" в плагине Contact Form 7.
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GutenBerry – Sweet Choice for the Gutenberg Editor

Октябрь 30 2019

Извините, данная страница доступна только на English.…

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How to minify CSS/JavaScript files in WordPress

Hello, our support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to minify CSS / JavaScript files in WordPress

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How to add Facebook like button in WordPress

We will show you how to add FaceBook like button and share article content on the Facebook page. There are two well-known methods of sharing your website on Facebook.
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How to Embed a Google Form in WordPress

Our Technical Support Team is ready to present you the easy way to integrate the Google Forms to your WordPress website.
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Most Wanted WordPress Tips, Tricks, and Hacks

WordPress is the most popular CMS platform. We are going to show you the most popular tips, tricks, and hacks for WordPress websites. These tricks are going to make your live easier.
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How to Add WordPress Widgets in Post and Page Content

Hello, our support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to add WordPress Widgets in Post and Page content.
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How to Create a Wiki Knowledge Base Using WordPress

Are you looking to add knowledgebase to your website? We are ready to show you how to build a Wiki site with WordPress. There are three known ways to do that.
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How to optimize images in your WordPress website using «Smush Image Compression and Optimization (WP Smushit)» plugin

Hello, guys! I guess everyone has ever thought about images optimization on the WordPress website, however, this topic seemed a bit complicated to manage it without any guidance. To improve performance and boost your SEO rank, you need a WordPress plugin which compresses and optimizes image files.
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How to install and use «File Manager» plugin to manage files in WordPress

Today, we're going to show you how to install and use the "File Manager" plugin on your WordPress website.
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How to Make Your WordPress Blog Completely Private

Hello, our support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to make your WordPress blog completely private.
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How to Uninstall and Reinstall WordPress

This tutorial is going to show you how to uninstall and reinstall WordPress. Re-installation could solve the problem when all other solutions don't work.
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How to Automatically Post to Facebook From WordPress

Facebook is a great user base that can be used as a traffic source for your website. You can use it to share your posts on Facebook, there are a great number of ways to do that. We are going to provide you with a few of them.
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How to fix the WordPress white screen of death

Hello, our support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to fix the WordPress White Screen of Death.
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How to Find and Replace Text with One Click in your WordPress Database

Hello, our support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to find and replace text with one click in your WordPress database.

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How to Create a Custom Login Page for WordPress

Hello, today, we'd like to show you the easy way to create a custom login page for your WordPress website.

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How to fix WordPress memory exhausted error (increase PHP memory)

Fatal error on the website is the thing that always makes a heart leap into the boots, but today we will learn how to deal with one of the most annoying WordPress errors easily
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How to Create Elementor Parallax Effect

Hello, our support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to create Elementor plugin Parallax Effect
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Updates for the GDPR compliance of the most popular CMS platforms

Hello, today, we'd like to shed the light on the GDPR-related changes in the leading CMS.
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How to fix the 403 forbidden error in WordPress

Today, we will learn a few ways how to deal with one of the most common 403 error.
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5 best free Google Maps plugins For WordPress

Let's check what are the most reliable sources to configure your location easily with one of the best Google map plugins.
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How to fix render-blocking Javascript and CSS in WordPress

If you test your website on Google PageSpeed insights you noticed blocked Javascript and CSS. We are going to show you how to deal with the render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in our tutorial. There are two simple steps.
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10 best church WordPress themes for your church (2018)

Today, we're going to show you some fascinating templates that will definitely bring you some attention over the web. It can be done easily by using one of these 10 best WordPress themes for churches and religious organizations.
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12 most useful .htaccess tricks for WordPress

Hello, our support team is ready to present you a new tutorial about 12 most useful .htaccess tricks for WordPress.
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What is an XML sitemap? How to create a sitemap in WordPress?

We are going to find out what is sitemap and how to add it to WordPress website. SiteMap is the page with the full list of the pages of the website.
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Beginners guide to creating redirects in WordPress

What do you know about redirects? Why do you need them on your website? We are going to highlight this topic for you.

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What is the best inexpensive WordPress hosting?

Let’s check the top of the best hosting companies that offer cheap hosting plans so that you can save money as well as receive high-quality service.
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How to add a PayPal donate button in WordPress

Hello, our support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to add a PayPal donate button in WordPress
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How to install WordPress engine and theme on local server (based on WAMP)

This tutorial will show you how to install WordPress engine and theme on WAMP local server
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How to find royalty free images for your WordPress blog

Hello, our support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to find royalty free images for your WordPress blog.
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Why you cant find .htaccess file on your WordPress site

Hello, our support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows possible reasons of why you can't access .htaccess file on your WordPress website.
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How to fix WordPress login page refreshing and redirecting issue

Today, we are going to learn how to resolve redirect or refreshing issue on the login page for WordPress.
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10+ Most Notable Big Name Brands that are Using WordPress

WordPress is the dominant CMS nowadays. No wonder even the famous brands choose it for building their websites and today, we're going to showcase you some interesting ones.
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5 Best FTP Clients for Mac and Windows WordPress Users

The file storage is often easier and cheaper to manage on FTP servers. In fact, FTP clients are just necessary software as ordinary file managers.
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How to create custom post types in WordPress

Our support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to create custom posts types in WordPress.
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What are the best SEO plugins for WordPress?

What are the best SEO plugins for WordPress? We will try to reply to this question in this tutorial.
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How to use the WordPress desktop APP for your self-hosted blog

Today, we're going to present you an extremely easy to follow guidance on how to use such an APP for your self-hosted blog.
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How to add your WordPress site to Google Webmaster tools

Our support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to add your WordPress site to Google Webmaster tools

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How to add a PDF viewer in WordPress

Today we're going to learn how to present your business to the fullest in an easy way.
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What is Gravatar and why you should start using it right away

I guess, everybody has ever inquired yourself about that small icon in front of the comments you leave across the world wide web.
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How to allow user registration on your WordPress site

Извините, данная страница доступна только на English.…

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Image alt text vs image title in WordPress — whats the difference?

Hello, our Support Team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows the difference between the Image alt text and image title in WordPress
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How to add WhatsApp share button in WordPress

We will add the WhatsApp share button, as it is widely known that it is a cross-platform app, and one of the world's most prominent social networks.

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How to upload theme to WordPress

Hello, our support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to add a new theme to WordPress.
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How to add social media icons to WordPress

Having Social Media buttons on your website is a great way to get customers engaged to follow you on different social media networks.
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How to change WordPress theme

Let's overlook a few easy steps on how to change themes via admin panel in WordPress.
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How to edit footer in WordPress

We are going to reveal how the things go with WordPress footer from the inside. Prepare yourself to this voyage.

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How to add widgets to WordPress

Hello , our support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to add widgets in WordPress.

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How to customize WordPress theme

Theme is selected and installed! Do you want to know how to make changes on the site now?
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How to install and setup Google Tag Manager in WordPress

In case you need to add multiple code snippets to collect analytics data, Google Tag manager will be a good solution for this matter.
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How to add awesome email templates in WordPress

I am glad to share with you another amazing WordPress option you can use anytime. That is email templates modification!
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How to change font in WordPress

Hello, our support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to change fonts in WordPress.
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How to start a WordPress site in less than 10 minutes

Today, we're going to show you how to start a WordPress site in less than 10 minutes. It's real!

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How to delete WordPress account

Today, we're going to show you how to remove your account in a few simple steps.

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How to add McAfee SECURE seal to your WordPress site for free

Hello, our support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to add McAfee SECURE Seal to your WordPress site for free.

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How to embed a Facebook video in WordPress

You may already know how to embed YouTube, Vimeo or simple video files to your WordPress website. We are going to show you how to embed FaceBook videos to WordPress website today.

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How to display your WordPress posts in a grid layout

Hello, our Support Team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to display your WordPress posts in a Grid layout

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How to style Contact Form 7 forms in WordPress

One of the main benefits of making a website is that you can always be accessible to the visitors/customers. Appealing Contact Form is a great opportunity to make that trick.

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How to add GIFs from in WordPress

Today, I would like to raise a topic about working with GIF formats on your website.
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How to install Facebook remarketing retargeting pixel in WordPress

Facebook Retargeting Pixel is Facebook tool that allows you to measure the results of your ads, drive more sales and of-course reach the right people.

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How to add front-end login form and widgets in WordPress

In case you want to allow your users log into your WordPress site directly from the front-end, you need to perform the steps of this guide!
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How to setup Google AMP on your WordPress Website

Today, we're going to show you how to setup Google AMP on WordPress.
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How to Install a WordPress plugin for beginners

Have you already selected a plugin you want to install? We are going to show you how to do plugin installation.There are three simple ways to install plugins!
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How to edit or remove the «Powered by WordPress» footer text

If you look at the footer of your website, you can see Proudly powered by WordPress text. Do not be afraid, it does not mean that your website was took over by Wordpress.
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How to install Google Analytics on WordPress

There are different ways to use Google Analytics on your website. We will discuss them in this guide.
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How to send emails to all registered users in WordPress

Hello, our Support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to send emails to all registered users in WordPress
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How to fix PHP syntax errors in WordPress

Hello, our support is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to fix the PHP syntax errors in WordPress.
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How to display Facebook events on your WordPress site

We are going to show you how to add Facebook Events to your WordPress website. This plugin allows you to display Facebook page events on the site.
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How to optimize your WordPress database

We are going to optimize your WordPress database. The purpose is in clearing unnecessary data, reduce the size of the database to improve website performance.
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How to install WordPress in other languages

Let’s check how to select the needed language while installing WordPress and change it in WordPress dashboard then.
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How to create custom User registration form in WordPress

Today, we're going to show you how to create custom user registration form in WordPress.
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How to upgrade WordPress engine manually

If you don't have access to automatic WordPress updates or you want to control any single update on your own, then you need to follow Wordpress manual update process.
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How to display the last updated date of your posts in WordPress

Are you running a blog on WordPress? You may have a news agency and publish some news on your website, or publish any other kind of posts - in any case, it's a high time to make your website a bit more convenient for the visitors. This can be easily done by changing the way of your posts display and we're glad to share some useful tips for this.
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How to create a Facebook like box popup in WordPress

Today, we will walk through the best way to keep pace with new trends and add a Facebook like box popup to your website
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How to deactivate all plugins when not able to access WordPress dashboard

Hello, our team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to deactivate all plugins when not able to access WordPress dashboard
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How to add keywords and meta descriptions in WordPress

Do you know the purpose of Meta keywords and Meta description? The main reason to add them to your site is to improve website's SEO. We are going to show you the easiest way to add them to your WordPress site.
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How to upload large images in WordPress

Have you tried to add large images to your WordPress website? The most likely you will get something like that 'image_file_name.jpg exceeds the maximum upload size for this site'.
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How to add navigation menu in WordPress

In this tutorial, we'll be glad to show you how to add a navigation menu to your WordPress-based website.
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How to upload PDF files to your WordPress

Hello, our support team ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to upload PDF files to your WordPress website.
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How to display WordPress images in columns and rows

Hello, this guide is going to show you how to display WordPress images in columns and rows.

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How to easily check which WordPress version you are using

Hi! Have you ever wondered which WordPress version you use every day?
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How to limit or disable automatic empty trash in WordPress

Our support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to limit or disable the automatic empty trash in WordPress.
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How to use contact form to build your email list

This article is going to show you how to use contact form to build your email list. Did you know that with the help of contact form you can grow your WordPress email list?
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